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Jun 10, 2024
This weekend, June 14-15, we are having our 17th Anniversary Sale!  We are continually amazed at where we are now versus where we started so many years ago.  Take a walk down memory lane with us below...

APRIL 2007

When we first signed the lease, Subway was already in place on the corner, and Olivelle had opened a couple doors down, but our space and what is now Malibu Tan was one big blank canvas.  The back of the building was still just gravel to allow plumbing to go in, and we were given the opportunity to choose exactly where we wanted to build the dividing wall.  We chose to keep the space symmetrical, placing the new northern dividing wall at the same location behind the building's brick facade accents as the shared wall with Subway.  Inside, the concept for the seating area anchored the overall design, and adding the soffits above the shelves along the wall made the space feel co
zier and provided better lighting for the products below.

The shelving units in the middle of the store are all on wheels, with the intention to be able to move them out of the way for lectures and events.  We did host several consumer lectures when we first opened, but that fell by the wayside for many reasons, and now the shelves pretty much remain stationary.  We only had three of these gondolas up when we first opened, but have since added a fourth.

We officially opened on April 6, 2007, but it was a soft opening, and we waited until mid-June to have the grand opening celebration, so that the entire family could attend.  

Where we used to have items triple- and quadruple-rowed to make the shelves look full, we now struggle to squeeze new products in, and where we used to get by with only a single employee in the mornings (Lani, who is still with us!), we now usually have at least 3 to 4 staff members on the floor at any given time. 

We feel incredibly lucky to have been a part of this community for so long, to have built a business that is thriving and useful to the residents of the area, and we appreciate each of you for supporting our store.  We hope we will continue to have the opportunity to serve the Gallatin Valley and beyond for many years to come.

Thank you for being part of our journey!

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